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White Trailing Lantana

White Trailing Lantana

Regular price $5.90 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.90 USD
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Plant Type: perennial
Plant Height: 8-12 inches
Spread: 3-6 feet
Flower Color: white
Sun Exposure: Full Sun

White Lantana, scientifically known as Lantana camara 'Alba,' is a charming and versatile perennial plant that can thrive in the Arizona landscape, particularly in regions with a hot and arid climate. Known for its clusters of small white flowers and fragrant foliage, White Lantana adds a touch of purity, wildlife appeal, and low-maintenance beauty to gardens and outdoor spaces.

One of the most distinctive features of White Lantana is its clusters of small, tubular white flowers. These flowers appear in profusion and create a visually captivating and pure display of color. Lantana is also known for its fragrant foliage, which releases a pleasant scent when brushed against or crushed. The flowers of White Lantana attract pollinators like butterflies and bees, making it a valuable addition to the landscape for wildlife support.

White Lantana plants typically reach heights of 2 to 4 feet, with a similar spread, creating a well-proportioned and bushy form. They are well-suited to Arizona's hot and arid climate, thriving in full sun and requiring well-drained soil. This plant is known for its drought tolerance once established, making it a valuable choice for water-wise landscaping and xeriscaping.

Maintenance of White Lantana is relatively low and includes occasional pruning to shape the plant and remove spent flower clusters. The plant's ability to attract pollinators, coupled with its low-maintenance nature, makes it a valuable addition to gardens and outdoor spaces, adding both visual beauty and ecological benefits to the desert environment.

In summary, White Lantana is a pure and drought-tolerant choice for Arizona landscapes, especially in regions with a hot and arid climate. Its small white flowers, fragrant foliage, and ability to attract pollinators make it a valuable addition to gardens, adding both visual beauty and wildlife-friendly features to the desert landscape.

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