Trumpet Creeper
Trumpet Creeper
Plant Type: vine
Plant Height: 30-40 feet
Flower Color: orange to reddish-orange
Sun Exposure: Full sun, Partial Shade
Trumpet Creeper is a deciduous vine native to the southeastern United States. It's popular in gardens for its vigorous growth and its ability to attract hummingbirds and other pollinators. The vine is particularly noted for its stunning, trumpet-shaped flowers, which bloom profusely from summer to early fall.
The flowers of the Trumpet Creeper are its most distinctive feature. They are large, tubular, and vibrant, usually ranging in color from bright orange to reddish-orange. These blossoms not only add a bold splash of color to the landscape but also serve as a nectar source for hummingbirds, making the vine an excellent choice for wildlife gardens.
In addition to its flowers, the Trumpet Creeper has attractive, compound leaves that are green and lush, providing a dense canopy of foliage. This dense growth makes it an ideal plant for covering arbors, fences, and walls, or for use as a ground cover in large areas.
The vine is known for its rapid growth and can become quite large, making it important to plant it in an appropriate space where it has room to spread. It can be aggressive in its growth habit, so regular pruning is recommended to keep it under control.
Trumpet Creeper is adaptable to a variety of soil types, but it performs best in well-drained soil. It's relatively drought-tolerant once established and requires minimal care beyond pruning.
The plant's ability to cover structures quickly and its showy, hummingbird-attracting flowers make it a popular choice for gardeners looking to add a dramatic and wildlife-friendly feature to their landscape. However, its vigorous growth habit requires consideration and management, making it best suited for spaces where it can be allowed to spread without becoming invasive.
Three Timbers Installation Guide (Feel Free to Follow): Trumpet Creeper
Planting Guide:
- Location: Full sun (at least 6 hours of direct sunlight for optimal growth and vibrant blooms)
- Soil: Well-drained, loamy or sandy soil (slightly acidic to neutral soil preferred)
- Spacing: Space plants 4-6 feet apart for optimal growth and to allow room for spreading
- Planting Depth: Plant at the same depth as the root ball, ensuring the top of the root ball is level with the surrounding soil surface
- Support: Trumpet Creeper is a vigorous climbing vine that requires a trellis, fence, or similar structure for support as it grows
Watering Guide:
Watering After Planting:
- Initial Watering: Water thoroughly immediately after planting to saturate the root ball and surrounding soil
- Frequency: Water every 4-5 days for the first 2-3 weeks to help establish the root system
- Watering Amount: Provide 2-3 inches of water per session for deep watering
When is the Plant Established?
- Timeframe: Trumpet Creeper is considered established after 3-4 months when the roots have spread into the surrounding soil
Watering Once Established:
- Summer: Water every 7-10 days during the hotter months. If temperatures exceed 100°F, increase watering to every 5-7 days. Provide 2-3 inches of water per session.
- Winter: Water every 3-4 weeks during the cooler months, depending on rainfall.
Drip Irrigation Setup:
- Placement of Emitters: Place the drip emitters 12-18 inches away from the base of the plant for even watering
- Flow Rate: Use emitters with a flow rate of 1-2 gallons per hour
- Number of Emitters: 1 emitter per plant for even watering distribution
- Adjusting Frequency: In summer, increase watering frequency to every 5-7 days. In winter, reduce to every 3-4 weeks