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Cabbage Palm

Cabbage Palm

Regular price $299.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $299.00 USD
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Plant Type: tree
Plant Height: 40-50 feet
Spread: 10-15 feet
Flower Color: 
Sun Exposure: Full Sun

The Cabbage Palm, scientifically known as Sabal palmetto, is a distinctive and hardy palm tree that can thrive in the Arizona landscape, particularly in regions with a milder climate or as a container plant. Although not native to Arizona, it is well-suited to the state's desert environment, provided it receives adequate care and protection during harsh weather conditions.

One of the standout features of the Cabbage Palm is its striking appearance. It features a single, stout trunk topped with a cluster of large, fan-shaped fronds. The fronds have a deep green color and can grow up to several feet in length, creating a lush and tropical aesthetic in the landscape.

The name "Cabbage Palm" comes from the heart of the palm, which is edible and has a flavor reminiscent of cabbage. However, harvesting the heart of the palm is not recommended as it can harm the tree and is regulated in some areas.

The Cabbage Palm typically reaches heights of 20 to 40 feet, making it a relatively tall palm tree. Its graceful form and canopy provide an excellent focal point in the garden and can also offer some shade in its immediate vicinity.

This palm tree is well-suited to Arizona's climate, particularly in regions with milder winters. It is drought-tolerant once established, making it suitable for water-wise landscaping. However, it benefits from regular watering during dry spells and protection from extreme cold temperatures, which can damage the fronds.

Maintenance of the Cabbage Palm is generally minimal. Regular pruning is typically not required unless it's to remove dead or damaged fronds. Additionally, providing well-drained soil and mulching around the base of the tree can help maintain its health.

In summary, the Cabbage Palm is an attractive and adaptable choice for Arizona landscapes, particularly in areas with a more moderate climate or when planted in containers. Its tropical appearance, low maintenance needs, and tolerance of drought make it a valuable addition to gardens and outdoor spaces, adding a touch of elegance and exoticism to the desert environment.

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